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Create Repository

In order to generate your repository from the namoon template, run the following command:

cookiecutter git+ssh://

At this point, you will be asked to enter the following parameter details

Template Parameters
  • repository [On Github]: chime-frb-night
  • project [Python Compatible]: frb_night
  • backend [URL Prefix]: night
  • author [Name]: Fogell McLovin
  • email [Contact Email]:

This will generate a folder named <project-name> in your present working directory containining all the relevant files with the proper project layout.

  • Next, create a repository on GitHub. To avoid errors, do not initialize the new repository with README, license, or gitignore files.

  • Navigate to the directory <project-name>.

  • Push the project directory to GitHub with the <URL> from repository's Quick Setup page


First Steps

Install Your Package

pip install --upgrade poetry && poetry install
This will all the required dependencies for your package in a virtual environment managed by poetry.

Initialize Git

git init
git add .
This will initialize git to manage the version control for the repository.

Setup pre-commit

poetry pre-commit install
This will enabled automated checks to be executed for code quality, each time you do a git commit

First Commit

git add . # Adds the files in the local repository and stages them for commit.
git commit -m "project template from namoona"
At this point, you should expect to pre-commit to perform code checks, some of which will fail. After the checks are performed, you need to re-add all the changed files to the commit, and try once again.

git add .
git commit -m "project template from namoona"

pre-commit will not allow you to push code to the Github Repository until it the minimum collaboration standards.

First Push
git branch -M main
git remote add origin <URL>
git remote -v
git push -u origin main