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Project Layout

When using the namoona template it will automatically setup the following components for your backend.

Project Layout

<repository>                # Project Root
├── <package_name>          # Python Package Root
    ├── analysis/           # Location for low-level analysis code, e.g. functions
    ├── backend/            # Maestro Configuration File + Example API
    ├── pipelines/          # Analysis Pipelines, generally collection of routines.
    ├── routines/           # Analysis routines, generally collection of analysis functions.
    ├── utilities/          # Common code utilities
    docs                    # Technical Documentation
    tests                   # Tests

    .github/workflows       # Continous Integration Config
    .pre-commit-config.yml  # Configuration for pre-commit
    .gitignore              # Git configuration

    pyproject.toml          # The python package management
    poetry.lock             # Lock file for python packages
    mkdocs.yml              # Configuration for generating docs
    LICENCE                 # Project Licence               # README for the project

Project Components

When setting up a project with namoona the following components come pre-configured:

  • Project Layout with ideal module setup
  • Backend Configuration file for maestro
  • Continous Integration setup via Github Actions
  • Pre-Commit configuration hooks for:
    • Code Formatting
    • Documentation Style
    • Python Type Hinting
    • Checks for yaml, json & toml files
  • Documentation setup via mkdocs-material
  • Testing setup through pytest