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Creating a GitHub Branch

After creating an issue, you're going to want to create a GitHub Branch. A branch is a parallel version of the repository's "main" branch, which allows you to develop on without affecting the main codebase.

To create a new branch locally, run:

How to Create/Use a Branch In Your Terminal

Creating the branch

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git branch {name_of_branch}
Entering the branch
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git checkout {name_of_branch}
Creating and entering a branch at the same time
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git checkout -b {name_of_branch}

Our Branch Naming Convention

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Since our branch naming convention requires an issue generated number, it's likely easier to just create the branch from the GitHub Issue web page.

Creating Branch from Issue

Accessing a GitHub Branch

If you created your branch on the GitHub web page and not your local terminal, you'll first have to run

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git fetch origin
to get the new branches from the remote repository.

Then, as mentioned before, you can checkout ("enter") the new branch with

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git checkout {name_of_branch}
and from there, you can start editing files and implementing your changes!