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Baseband Analysis on the CHIME/FRB on-site cluster

On-site Cluster

We have a 10-node cluster consisting of nodes frb-analysis[2-5] and cfen[4-9] with a combined computing power of 200 cores and 2TB ram. We operate the cluster using serverless systems using docker swarm.

Baseband Pipeline

The baseband pipeline services are spawned using a docker compose file located in docker/baseband_cluster_docker_compose.yml. It creates the following services:

  • baseband_pipeline_manager: which has the control logic for executing pipeline steps in a systematic order.
  • baseband_initialize: which sets up everything needed for the pipeline to run.
  • baseband_beamform: The most expensive part of the pipeline. Performs beamforming on each frequency depending on the stage of the pipeline.
  • baseband_merge: Merges the beamformed files outputed by all the beamforming replicas.
  • baseband_analysis: Performs analysis on the merged file (MCMC localization/waterfalling etc.).
  • baseband_finalize: Does the clean up of metadata, creates a final diagnostic plot and uploads results to the database.

Each service communicates with the buckets server which holds a json encoded workload for each stage of the pipeline. The service runs persistently performing the following steps:

  • withdraw work from its bucket.
  • If work is found.
  • spawn the pipeline inside the container using subprocess.Popen( and output the stdout and stderr to a log file on the archiver for that event.
  • sleep for a while and repeat the cycle.
Service cores, ram, containers bucket name work payload
baseband_pipeline_manager 1, 0.5G, 1 baseband-pipeline {"event_number": 12345, "priority[OPTIONAL]": "low/medium/high", "run_stage[OPTIONAL]": "all/ refinement/localization/singlebeam"}
baseband_initialize 2, 1G, 1 baseband-initialize {"event_number": 12345}
baseband_beamform 2, [10-16]G, 32 baseband-beamform {"event_number": 12345, "job_id": 1, "baseband_pipeline": "singlebeam/localization/refinement", "parameters[OPTIONAL]": {"ra": 123,...}}
baseband_merge 2, 16G, 1 baseband-merge {"event_number": 12345, "baseband_pipeline": "singlebeam/localization/refinement"}
baseband_analysis 2, 16G, 1 baseband-analysis {"event_number": 12345, "baseband_pipeline": "singlebeam/localization/refinement"}
baseband_finalize 2, 1G, 1 baseband-finalize {"event_number": 12345}

How do you start the baseband pipeline cluster?

go to and click on Baseband Pipeline.

How do you monitor the baseband pipeline while it is running?

go to

How do you monitor the baseband pipeline cluster?

You need to be frbadmin for detailed inspection.

Text Only
[chitrang@frb-vsop ~]$ docker service ls | grep baseband
ypepapebrtv4   baseband_analysis                      replicated   1/1        chimefrb/baseband-localization:cluster
ggxy9laxbx0p   baseband_beamform                      replicated   32/32      chimefrb/baseband-localization:cluster
cpfgedzo7eed   baseband_finalize                      replicated   1/1        chimefrb/baseband-localization:cluster
ddyjwizkaayq   baseband_initialize                    replicated   1/1        chimefrb/baseband-localization:cluster
pnwbypxqfg0f   baseband_merge                         replicated   1/1        chimefrb/baseband-localization:cluster
3a4qyveqjn1b   baseband_pipeline_manager              replicated   1/1        chimefrb/baseband-localization:cluster

How do you run the pipeline on an event?

You just need to add an event number to the bucket: baseband-pipeline which can be done from any where you have your FRB Master access and refresh tokens. You can also add different priorities for events (default is low). In this case, events with high priority will be analyzed first after finishing the current event.

In [2]: import chime_frb_api

In [3]: buck = chime_frb_api.bucket.Bucket(base_url="")

In [4]: work = {"event_number": 195718061}# Optionally you can add "priority": "low/medium/high", "run_stage": "all/localization/refinement/singlebeam"

In [5]: buck.deposit('baseband-pipeline', work=work, priority="low")

How do you get pipeline logs for an event?

The logs for the pipeline are in /data/chime/baseband/processed/YYYY/MM/DD/astro_<EVENT_NO/logs/>.