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CHIME/FRB Baseband Analysis

Analysis routines for triggered baseband recording system


baseband-analysis hosts the analysis routines needed for processing baseband data of the CHIME FRB Science Collaboration. The automated baseband pipeline integrates these routines into a sequential process run on the frb-analysis cluster.


Installing some of the dependencies (especially ch_utils) is nontrivial. We suggest to use the docker container running the code. Detailed instructions can be found in the wiki.

Dependancies not available in PyPi




Raw CHIME baseband data can be found in the frb-baseband (~post-March 2019 event) archiver and can be located based on the date and event number. Raw data can be found in the raw sub-directory of the event and with each file .h5 file consisting of the raw complex voltage timestream of 1024 dual linear feeds. The data is pre-processed into frequency channels with the suffix number of the file indicating the frequency channel ID (i.e. 0=400 MHz, 1023=800 MHz).

This raw data is processed by the pipeline with output processed data products being stored in the processed sub-directory. Most users will interact with this processed data and not the raw data itself.


The basic steps of the pipeline, summarized in the schematic above, consist three stages:

  • Refinement

-refines DM (optimizes S/N) -time of burst -RFI mask

  • Localization

  • Fits beammodel to tiedbeam grid

  • Outputs single-beam beamformed baseband data for scientific analysis.

  • Science Pipelines (e.g. Polarization, Burst Morphology, etc.)

  • Input: Single-beam beamformed baseband data; formatted as (nchan,npol=2,nsamp)

  • Descriptions of science pipelines to come...