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GitHub has the ability to organise and prioritise work using a project board. Project boards comprises issues, pull requests, and notes that are categorised as cards. The cards also contain the ability to add labels, assignees, and statuses to them.

Below is an example of a project board that has been created for a sprint. You can see a list of cards, some of which have be linked to issues (shown by the green circle and dot), and who has been assigned to each card plus its status.


Creating a Project Board

Creating a new project board is simple. To begin, head to the overview page. From here, there are tabs near the top to navigate through the project.


Select the tab for projects. This takes you to a page that lists all of the current projects that are open.


From here, we are able to create a new project board by pressing the green "New Project" button.


You have now created your first project board!

Creating a Card in Project Board

Let's now add a card. You can either click the text box, or use the shortcut Ctrl + Space, and then type the title of your card, e.g. "Complete GitHub Project Boards Tutorial". Next, click on the assignees box, and search for your username to assign this card to yourself. Finally, click on the status box, and let's mark this as "in progress".

Creating an Issue from Card

The last thing that we are going to learn about project boards, is how we convert a card into an issue. Place your cursor just to the left of your card that you just created, and a down-facing arrow should appear. Click this, then click "Covert to Issue". Next we must select which repository we want to create this issue in. Let's add this issue to your learning space repository. The benefit to linking these cards to issues, is that when we close the issue, the card's status is automatically changed to "Done"!
