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Creating an Issue

Before you start initiating changes to a repository, it's important what you're working on is trackable and visible to other developers. Such a way to do this is using GitHub Issues, which allows you to describe the problem you're trying to tackle. This is a tab available on each GitHub repository's web page. Navigating there also allows you to see already open or closed issues, so that you don't end up working on something that someone else has already started.

Creating Issue

On the right side, use these sections to assign the task to yourself, apply the relevant labels, and link to a project - such as the current sprint. If an issue already exists, then just simply assign the issue to yourself.

Modifying Issue

Creating an Issue Template

  1. Within the repository that you wish to create an issue template for, click on the Settings tab. github-create-issue-temp1
  2. Scroll down to the Features section, under Issues click the green "Set up templates" button. github-create-issue-temp2
  3. Select the kind of issue template you wish to create. GitHub provides editable standard templates for Bug reports and Feature requests, or for a blank slate select Custom template. github-create-issue-temp3
  4. Once satisfied with the templates, click the green "Propose changes" button. This will cause the Commit changes bar to appear, allowing an extended description of the changes made. Finally, press the "Commit changes" button, this creates a two directories: .github and within that ISSUE_TEMPLATE. github-create-issue-temp4