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Release PleaseΒΆ

Release Please is a tool created by Google that automates CHANGELOG generation, the creation of GitHub releases, and version bumps for your projects. In other words, you don't need to use any of Commitizen's bump or changelog commands, as these commands, as most things should be, will be automated!

If any of your commits contain a fix or feat type commit from cz c, then in our Continuous Deployment pipeline, release-please will create a new release and bump the version accordingly.

Importance of Commitizen

This is why it's important to use Commitizen when commiting. Doing so allows the GitHub Action release-please to function correctly so that you don't have to make/update, make git tags for releases, or bump any versions.

If you're not using any GitHub Actions bots that will use Commitzen's commits to create automatic changelogs and versioning, you can do it manually with the following commands:

cz bump # Bump the repo's version based on your commits
cz bump --changelog # Generate changelog with new version from aboe command

The version format Commitzen uses follows semantic versioning = MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.

Increment Description Conventional commit map
MAJOR Breaking changes introduced BREAKING CHANGE
MINOR New features added feat
PATCH Fixes fix + everything else