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Before you can be added to the repository group, you must log into at least once.

Viewing and Configuring Images

CANFAR also hosts a site that acts like DockerHub: Log in via OIDC Provider, which uses your CADC credentials from CANFAR.

Once you have signed in, you will be taken to the homepage - shown below. Here you can view all of the projects that you have access to. Note that chimefrb is a private project and you may have to request access to it.

Harbour homepage

Clicking on the project, in this case chimefrb, shows all of the docker images associated with the project.

For an uploaded image to be available for use in a notebook session, they must be labeled. To add a label to an image, click on the image you wish to label. Click on the checkbox, then select actions.

Harbour image actions

In the drop down menu, select "Add Labels" and select the labels that you wish to apply to the image.

Harbour image label

After doing so, this image should now be available to you when starting up a new session using either method: web or skaha.

Uploading New Images

Images can be uploaded to CANFAR using docker push|pull, by default the command assumes that you are pushing to "". However, when taging an image, you can explicitly state that you wish to push|pull an image to|from CANFAR. This is done by prepending "".

Tagging an image for upload to CANFAR:

docker tag SOURCE_IMAGE[:TAG][:TAG]

Pushing an image to CANFAR:

docker push[:TAG]