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Format of Input Data

For ease of use, we have defined a fitburst-compliant ("generic") data format for loading all required data into the fitburst data-reading object. Users can adopt this generic format to ensure initialization of required variables and arrays used within fitburst. The generic-format data are stored in and read from a Python3 Numpy .npz file.

Concept of Generic Format

A generic-compatible data file, e.g., "input_data.npz", is assumed to contain three entries:

  • metadata: a Python dictionary containing data that describe aspects of the observation;
  • burst_parameters: a Python dictionary containing intrinsic burst parameters and their pre-determined values or initial guesses;
  • data_full: a NumPy ndarray containing the dynamic spectrum.

These three .npz arrays are defined further below. Once defined, the file can be created by executing the following lines in your local data-preparation script:

import numpy as np

# define data_full, metadata and burst_parameter objects as needed.
# ...

# now write data to file.

Required Metadata

The following data in the metadata dictionary are used for configuration of internal arrays, and are not parameters considered for least-squares optimization.

metadata = {
    "bad_chans"      : # a Python list of indices corresponding to frequency channels to zero-weight
    "freqs_bin0"     : # a floating-point scalar indicating the value of frequency bin at index 0, in MHz
    "is_dedispersed" : # a boolean indicating if spectrum is already dedispersed (True) or not (False)
    "num_freq"       : # an integer scalar indicating the number of frequency bins/channels
    "num_time"       : # an integer scalar indicating the number of time bins
    "times_bin0"     : # a floating-point scalar indicating the value of time bin at index 0, in MJD
    "res_freq"       : # a floating-point scalar indicating the frequency resolution, in MHz
    "res_time"       : # a floating-point scalar indicating the time resolution, in seconds

Required Burst Parameters

Unless otherwise noted, all data in the burst_parameters dictionary are used as initial guesses and are subject to least-squares optimization. (Only the ref_freq parameter is held fixed permanently; all other parameters can be fitted or held fixed at the discretion of the user.) As with other "initial-guess" problems, we recommended that as many initial guesses as possible be "good enough" based on prior information. However, the fitburst API allows for initial-guess modifications at later, pre-fit stages.

All dictionary keys contain Python lists of floating-point values. The number of list elements is equal to the number of burst components to be modeled. For example, a "simple" burst described with a single profile will have burst_parameters entries with len(burst_parameters[name]) = 1.

burst_parameters = {
    "amplitude"            : # a list containing the the log (base 10) of the overall signal amplitude
    "arrival_time"         : # a list containing the arrival times, in seconds
    "burst_width"          : # a list containing the temporal widths, in seconds
    "dm"                   : # a list containing the dispersion measures (DM), in parsec per cubic centimeter
    "dm_index"             : # a list containing the exponents of frequency dependence in DM delay
    "ref_freq"             : # a list containing the reference frequencies for arrival-time and power-law parameter estimates, in MHz (held fixed)
    "scattering_index"     : # a list containing the exponents of frequency dependence in scatter-broadening
    "scattering_timescale" : # a list containing the scattering timescales, in seconds
    "spectral_index"       : # a list containing the power-law spectral indices
    "spectral_running"     : # a list containing the power-law spectral running

Required Spectrum

The data_full entry contains the observed dynamic spectrum as a Numpy ndarray with shape (num_freq, num_time).