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fitburst - Installation

Building from PyPI

fitburst will soon be retrievable from the Python Package Index (PyPI) via pip.

Building from Source

The fitburst codebase uses either pip or poetry for building the distribution and grabbing dependencies. The easiest route to building fitburst is to use pip:

> git clone
> cd fitburst/
> pip install .


For out-of-the-box use, fitburst currently depends on the external Python packages listed below. We encourage interested developers to contribute software and/or replace existing functionality with new dependencies; however, we request that any additional dependency be open-source, meaningfully used, and accessible via pip.

Developer Dependencies

There are additional dependencies for folks who wish to contribute and build code, tests, and/or documentation. These dependenices are listed in the pyproject.toml file under the*.dependencies attributes. However, these dependencies currently can only be installed using poetry due to way in which pip understands the pyproject.toml file.