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Writing Data Readers for fitburst

In a pipeline setting, fitburst is designed to isolate all telescope-specific dependencies (e.g., the format and structure of local data archiving servers) to the backend/ subdirectory. Here, users are encouraged to write Python objects -- using the utilities.bases.ReaderBaseClass as a foundation -- that enable fitburst to work on their raw data. Once all required, telescope-specific data are successfully loaded into a ReaderBaseClass-compatible structure, the remaining parts of the full fitburst pipeline should work with no issue. (And if there are issues, submit a GitHub issue!)

The ReaderBaseClass() Object

The ReaderBaseClass() structure is meant to standardize key attributes and methods to be used for downstream processing within fitburst. Users are encouraged to define additional class members that help iniatilize the standard attributes defined in ReaderBaseClass(); however, those telescope-specific members will not be detected or used in later operations.

Key Attributes

  • burst_parameters: a Python dictionary containing initial guesses of fitburst parameters
  • data_full: a (num_freq x num_time) Numpy array containing the observed spectrum
  • data_weights: a list of length num_freq, containing boolean values that indicate whether each channel is usable or masked due to RFI
  • dedispersion_idx: TBD
  • freqs: a Numpy array containing the frequency centers for each channel
  • num_freq: the number of frequency channels in data_full
  • num_time: the number of time samples in data_full
  • res_freq: the frequency resolution of data_full
  • res_time: the time resolution of data_full
  • times: a Numpy array containing timestamps for each sample

Key Methods

  • dedisperse():
  • load_data():
  • preprocess_data():
  • window_data():